Saturday 8 November 2014

Vocaloid // Animated Band?

Vocaloid is a computer software device that manipulates sound into certain 'characters', along with representing the voice with cute anime characters. In japan and around the world; Vocaloid is extremely popular. With it's characteristic deep story telling songs and of course, its adorable characters. Most animated music videos are fan made and considering their fandom is ginormous , there are ALOT of animations involving these characters out there (floating around online mostly).

However, Vocaloid doesn't just exist across the online realm. Oh no, these characters have jumped across the 4th wall right into the 'live consort' category of music... 

Animiku is a 'live concert' animation software, which brings the characters of vocaloid to life. This is simply 3D modelling at it's finest, crafting virtual characters and brining them into the real world is wonderful. I wouldn't mind going to see it live to be honest.

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