Sunday 2 November 2014

10 Second Animation Project// Think Of An Idea!!!

Choosing one of the main themes/words to focus on...
Surprise, Lateness, Love, Hate, Longing, Happiness, Fear.  We were told to create a 5-10 second animation based on one of these words. I choice the word 'Lateness', purely because I thought I could up with something comical with that word. Rather then something cute or depressing.

I instantly came up with an idea, that had been in fact floating around my skull for a few weeks. Everyone must know about the whole 'cute anime girl late for school running with toast in her mouth' thing, right? No? Well it's a thing. Seriously. Google image it. Anyways, I always thought to myself ''that's kinda cute and all.. but what would it look like, if some chav girl was running late instead?''

Basic Idea
Totally flipping the whole 'kawaii' thing on it's head, I really love this idea. All I can imagine is come scantily gross woman running dramatically late with a cigarette hanging out of her fat lips. Banging into someone, getting angry and then shouting '' BAKA '' and head butting him. I'll be animating all of this with the traditional pose to pose technique, which I've already experimented with before.

I'm really existed to start designing this character, despite the fact the first drawing I did of the chav girl was pretty much how I want the end result to appear. I also have to think about the character she'll run into. Should it be an old woman? old man? maybe even some gangster or something!  However, I'm not so concerned about insulting a stereotype, since I'm already doing that by having the female 'chav' appear in this way and using the phrase 'chav'. So I guess there's no limit on the sterotype insults I can throw...

I can't wait for the sleepless nights and endless gulps of energy drink this project is going to throw at me.

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