Saturday 8 November 2014

Inspiration// Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a Disney animated series that I adore. A friend of mine introduced me to the show a year back and to this day I thank her for that moment in my life.

The show revolves around a set of twins, who visit their uncle over the summer who takes residence in 'Gravity Falls'. Everything seems normal, sure they're uncle is alittle weird but whos uncle isn't alittle insane? But slowly, things start getting weirder and weirder. Monsters start popping up. Strange symbols and this strange satanic like book... wow. Seriously, when I sat down to watch this show I never expected it to play out like this. The storytelling is wonderful, the 'traditional Disney style' (both in art and storytelling) is near non-existent and has instead been replaced with a modern fresh appearance that is a treat for the eyes.

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