Saturday 8 November 2014

Inspirational Artist // Jennifer Hager

I stumbled across Jennifers work a few years back, at the tender age of 12 and ever since then this artist has inspired me to study animation; even way back at GCSE level. However sadly, I've never been able to track down more of her work. I've only ever been able to view this Animation ShowReel she uploaded near 7 years ago...

The Show reel contains a collection of animation she produced within her 4 year studies at CalArts. I'm totally blown away at what this animator achieved and created. Not only the stories, but the style and how her work lives on paper.  I especially like the sequence where the child character is fleeing from the monster, then leaps off of the cliff onto into her friends 'wings'. I really wish I could stumble across more of this artists work in the future... she's such a huge idol to me.

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