Sunday 2 November 2014

Animation Project: Classical Elements // Idea *PING*

After many day dreaming sessions and brainstorming scribbles; I have finally settled on the idea, for the foundation of a short animated story.

I'm going to focus on the element of fire and how it is manipulated by water.
But because I'm such a geek when it comes to monsters and mythical creates ( and also love triangles ) the characters involved will of course - be of the 'monster' variety. The main points of the story are as follows...

One day, a mermaid/water creature discovers her muscular centaur of a boyfriend; is flirting with this hot spicy woman made out of fire. The mermaid/water creature attempts to intervene but of course, can't leave her pond. Her cheating boyfriend and the fire woman both laugh at her and in a fit of rage she splashes them with water; resulting in the flame lady being put out and dying. The story then ends, on an awkward, silent and hopefully comical tone.

I'm not sure how I want the soundtrack to me like - just music or a sarcastic comical narrator. I'll most likely play around with both ideas as I work on the animation and decide which one I'd like closer to the time of storyboarding or even adding sound. I'm 100% sure I want this story to be comical, funny and not depressing or morbid.

Next I'll design the characters, to reflect their personality's or even stereotypes.
  • I want the mermaid/water creature to be skinny, flat chested and childish looking. (so she'd be a good contrast to the flame woman)
  • I want the flame woman to be over weight, with thick hips and a lot of curves going on. I also have to remember that she must resemble a fire/flame in shape.
  • I want the centaur to be a classic 'jock' build. Blocky shoulders and waist with this stupid pathetically flirtatious grin. I also have to study up on horses and work out a way to merge both a 'jock' characterises of a human with one of a horse. (if there is such a think as a 'jock' looking horse.) 

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