Saturday 8 November 2014

Pose to Pose animation// Pendulum

Pose to Pose animation is a term used to describe key frames moving in a sequence within an animation. We were told to experiment with pose to pose animation by studying how a swinging ball would move and replicating it within 2D traditional animation.

All together, my simple animation was 24 frames; Producing the animation at 12 frames per second I managed to cover 2 seconds all together. (One swing completing about 12 frames)

I'm quite proud with how this experiment with pose to pose turned out, sure looking back on it I can see areas I'd quite like to improve or possible adapt; but that's all part of improving my skills after all. I did learn a lot about timing with this experiment, how weight effects speed and timing. For example, the momentum gestated by a swing, could make the ball remain at the end of the 'curve' for longer, then fall back with gravity.

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