Friday 7 November 2014

Octocat adventures/// David OReilly

David OReilly is an artist who is responsible for a list of crudey animated shorts.

However, 'Octocat Adventures' can be classed as a calibration between a 9 year old boy from  Chicago and the artist himself. The original animation (sent to David) was hand drawn and animated by the child on MSPaint, compleat with high pitched childish voice. He then adapted the series in the style of the 9 year olds to produce a short film about Octocat... But 20seconds into the final episode of the red cat with eight legs adventures the animation takes a dramatic twist. The animation switches; the 2D style is filled to an incredible 3D style and well textured. He really brings the 9 year olds animated series to life, in his own unique style.

The colour pallet of the whole short is painful to eye, but in the best ways. And that's why i approve of all of this.

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