Saturday 8 November 2014

John Lewis Chrismas Advert 2013

It's that time of year again. That time of year when all of tv adverts are plagued by over weight men in red suits and sad soppy snow scenes. But who could forget this incredible advert, that we had the blessing to grace out screens in winter 2013?

This animation is stop motion, not a mixture of 2D animation and 3D/Live action like most think. True, each character was animated traditionally with CEL animation. However every frame was printed then cut out of wood, placed into the frame then used more like a puppet of stop motion then a drawing. Incredible to say the least. Disney animators were brought in for the task, to complete this magnificent project. And I'm sorry cute little lovesick penguin advert of 2014, but this has to be my most beloved Christmas Advert of ALL TIME. I adore the layout, the art style, the way the shots seem to blend into each other so naturally. It's just so gorgeous to watch... treat yourself, click play.

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