Wednesday 20 May 2015

Using Maya// Bouncing the Balls.

The final animation task we were given in Maya was to animate two bouncing balls - each with it's own weight, different from the other. With the red ball I wanted to animate it like a solid mass, like brick and with the green I wanted it to be more bouncy perhaps like putty.

I was already familiar with the keyframes by now, considering I had already animated the other tasks which involved being aware of that function within the software; so this task I found slightly more fun and not at all stressful compared to the previous tasks. I ended up screwing up the animation the first time because I totally forgot to set keyframes for the scale of the balls... so ended up with this weird tiny egg shaped ball rather than it's original shape. But after redoing it.. I ended up with the animation shown above. Which I'm quite happy with, it bounces doesn't it?

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