Friday 15 May 2015

Applied Animation// Research - Juno

The opening for juno is a personal favorite of mine and was one of the first intros for a live action film I thought of when thinking about inspiration for my own. A rotascoped animation, where footage is filmed then traced over by animators - this intro gives the impression of a certain naivety and the sense that the main character herself feels very disconnected from her surroundings.  The aesthetic of the titles in which Juno is depicted as more realistic then her surroundings, her surroundings being very muted compared to her - gives the impression Juno doesn't feel like she's associated with the world around her, it also gives the impression she's got a lot on her mind, to the point where she doesn't have time to notice every detail around her... hence why her surroundings are so simplistic they're almost naive. The colours are also so lovely, highlighting details in this short opening that NEED to be noticed or are relevant to the movies storytelling. 

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