Wednesday 20 May 2015

Maya// Turn Table

Today I experimented with Maya further,
I recreated the model I crafted in Maya (3DS) but this time I spent more time on the texture of the model and its colour. I added on a texture that recreated shine across the screens and also added colour to the form.

To animate a simple turn table is pretty simple in Maya, in fact it's as simple as an option from one of the menus.  -You first need to have the side bar on 'animate' - Click the Animate menu on the top bar -then click turn table. It's as simple as that. I was shown how to do this by a good friend of mine - Called James. This instalment into the software I found a lot easier and enjoyed the whole process a lot more then the first time I tried to model or animate anything. I'm also a little proud of myself for creating this simple animation, despite it being so simplistic and easy to do; I really like how professional it looks.

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