Friday 15 May 2015

Applied Animation// GIMP animation and layers in Photoshop

I wanted to use the sequence I animated over the easter holidays (using GIMP) with Photoshop layers in After Effects - Like I did with an experiment I animated with the three softwares a few weeks earlier.  

In this experiment I used layers in photoshop to give the appearance of a more 3D world, with segments of drawings 'moving past' the viewer to give the impression of movement within the animation. For example, the flowers and grass closest to the screen move off screen but also increase in size - giving the impression of the camera moving into the drawing. I also added a 'light' effect to highlight certain elements of the over all comparison as the layers slowly moved against each other. 

I edited the layers together all in After Effects. 
Adding all the layers into the comparison layered up, I could then edit the position and scale of each separate image.              To give a '3D effect' to the flowers in the front, I set keyframes with the position and scale of the image - moving the flowers off screen and increasing their scale. I did the same thing for all of the layers, the horizon lowers slightly, along with the blades of grass 'attached' and the figure moves slightly to the right and becomes that tiny bit bigger; all to give the impression of a 3D world.        I'd like to revisit this effect in my final animation, but only in the 'real world' part of it....

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