Tuesday 8 December 2015

Telling Tales// Rigging and the controls (Even painting WEIGHTS)

Moving on from the UV mapping stage I began working on the rigging of the character - the 'rig' itself being the some what animate-able skeleton of the character, beneath the characters surface.

Rigging basically consisted of forming a sort of 'hierarchy' of child to parental joints and controls, located at various points around the models form; all of which were connected to the 'root' of the entire model. I then had to assignee the points of oppression to each control to the corresponding and relevant joint. After that I assigned in the outliner relevant folders with their controls; in which I first had to constraint the joints to the folder and its controls. Basically in the end I was left with a hierarchy of controls, folded up nicely within each other from the controls to the next and so on. I then began painting 'weights' on to the model, to restrict certain unnecessary movement when rotating controls and moving them.

Painting the weights I found quite simple but tricky to get the hang of. Really all it involved was visualising areas you wanted to be restrained from the effects of other controls (like the ears being effected when the head was rotated). However I did notice after I began the animation progress that the left ear of the model moves slightly when the head turns; the weights on that ear much be off slightly, or not 'heavy' enough to really cut off the additional movement from another control.

I attached realistic humanoid joints to the character, having to take a step away from the human skeleton refrence I had when approaching the arms and legs of the character. My character is designed very cartoon like, her wrists and ankles aren't defined ( or elbows ) because of her elonggates limbs. So I rigged her elbows and knees to rough areas down her limbs where I would want the model to bend. With her ancles I based the joint at the base of her foot, because her legs are very 'hoof-like' I'll just have to watch how I animate the character and what looks 'too' rediculas. 

Below are a few screen shots of the finished rigged model (complete with visible weights):

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