Tuesday 1 December 2015

Telling Tales// Animation test, developes!

Above is a quicktime video of the progress on animation that I did today. Although I know it does look rather ridiculous with the character 'bobbing' back and forth across the screen but it would be rather unnecessary to animate the feet lifting from the ground considering you can't see lower then her knees in the shot. This animation is rather rough, still needing to be tweaked here and there but for today I'm rather pleased with the movement of the character.  I'll continue animating this tomorrow, try to make it a little more smoother in motion and after that I can animate a camera to track the character as she moves.

I've also been working on another piece of movement of the character today.
The character is walking down the street and gesturing around, telling a story to her friend. Below are the key frames I set to achieve this motion, which I based off a video file I filmed of myself gesturing around. Before I set the key frames for the movement, I first animated a basic walking cycle to help me keep the pace of her walking then I animated her gestures. I found this way of approaching the movement in animation was beneficial because I didn't have to focus on keeping her strides fluid as well as setting key frames to her gestures.

Key frame 1

Key frame 2

Key frame 3

Key frame 4

Key frame 5

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