Tuesday 8 December 2015

Telling Tales// Fixing the control hierarchy and binding!

 In my previous blog about the demo model I blogged quite happily about how I had set up the 'hierarchy' of the controls and how proud I was. Turns out today, the way I had packed up the controls within the folders of the hierarchy was entirely wrong. I didn't work out what had gone wrong, until a few hours later - resulting on the deadline being a few hours closer and by few I mean a good 5 hours. So today I've been redoing part of what I did (wrong) yesterday:

 Above is a screen shot of the CORRECT hierarchy layout for the controls, with each within the controls of another. For example the controls linked to the joint/control of the hand, is within the control of the elbow, which is in turn within the control of the elbow. Everything is basically stacked on top of each other.
 I also discovered I had done this wrong the first time redoing it, so had to do it all over again. This time I had to redo it because I had forgotten to 'freeze' the controls within their corresponding folder. I also missed a small part when constraining joints to their folders which added up to a big error in the over all hierarchy.

 Above is a screenshot of the finished bind-ed, control operated demo model! (yay!)
I had a mini-heart attack after completing it for the 4th time without errors to find when I rotated the arm it glitches and went shooting off right and away from this reality. However not to panic, it was simply because I hadn't selected the control I had selected the joint itself and attempted to rotate that instead!

I honestly don't know if I'll have much time to fix the little problems this model has here and there before the deadline, I completely forgot that this model needed to be submitted and now I find myself finishing it in the last few hours before submission. Wish me luck about meeting my deadline (please)!

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