Tuesday 1 December 2015

Telling Tales// The Enviroment

For this project we wanted to base our short 1 minute story in somewhere 'public' but knowing our limitations with modeling, we decided to avoid applying mulitable background characters to our set; so instead decided to focus on an area typically associated with being public, like a highstreet. I kept to a very basic structure for the environment, keep to the cartoony look I drew the texture out on photoshop in a rather 'naive' visual aesthetic. Below are the texture maps I used for the environment:

Lamp  Texture
Road Texture

Pavement Texture
Building Texture

The environment is only built with a thin plane for the road, the pavement and a cube for the shop. I also modeled lamp posts because I felt like the environment was almost too basic looking.

Below is a screenshot of the rendered environment with the 'Pokoyo' lighting and an area lighting :

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