Wednesday 10 May 2017

Post Production/// Uploading and Social Media

I mentioned in my previous Blog post that I've been keeping updates on my Instagram, under a hashtag for the film '#afoxwantstoplayguitar' however I've been slightly neglecting my other social media pages. Such as my Tumblr and Twitter and even Facebook. But Tonight, I uploaded the film and posted it all over my social medias, some with the poster from the film and others with a link to the film on Vimeo. This was all to promote the film, I've worked so hard and I want as many people to see it as possible. I'd love feedback, but likes are wonderful on their own.

Film on my Vimeo

With my Tumblr and Twitter, I uploaded more to 'document' the work I was doing rather than gain any more attraction - despite having a good number of followers in Tumblr.
Twitter Update
Tumblr Update

With Facebook, I want to develop my presence more and promote my work more than I already do. So took to Facebook with hopes of keeping in touch with my followers on there. I was most excited to upload the poster with a link to the vimeo upload to my Instagram, because previously I'd received a number of messages from followers asking when the film would be up/wishing me luck about completion. With Instagram you can't link within a post, so I included the link on my profile and directed people in that posts description to 'the link in the profile'. I also didn't want to crop the poster at all, so instead went back into Photoshop with it and made the image square, with white sides either side of the illustration - so I wouldn't have to crop the poster at all and could still upload the whole thing.

Update on Facebook (Also pinned to top of Facebook page)
Instagram post including direction to the link to the Vimeo Upload of the film

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