Wednesday 10 May 2017

Post Production/// Art book RE-DO

When I first did the Artbook for this project, I wasn't happy about it all at. The outcome was rushed and honestly missing so much information I was a little shameful of even showing it anymore - but hey, I knew it wasn't the final project. Here are some of the pages from the original 'concept/development book' I created below. I've chosen these pages to document how rough done they were the first time around.

Very roughly done text

Again, very rough and badly scanned in concept art
I decided to completely re-do the art book to a quality I thought would be far more suited to the film I've created. I'm also planning on printing small zines of this art booklet to promote the film whilst I'm selling my other zines at comic fairs and festivals. I'd also like to give people who helped bring my film to life a copy.  I hope you enjoy it! I'm very proud of it and hugely glad I had the time to re-make it.

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