Wednesday 10 May 2017

Post-Production// Cleaning things up and planning out

Sitting now with a cup of tea, soft lighting and a pair of comfy slippers, I'm going through my laptop finally cleaning up the multiple Photoshop files I created in order to animate this project as quick as possible (which means a lot of random naming and weirdly placed files). So far I've deleted 74 pointless files I created in a panic in order to fill empty frames, which are all massive in their own right. I also created 54 files with individual or 'similar' shots, that I kept as a 'back up'. When I finished a scene I'd render out a video file, so in the end rendering on After Effects wouldn't be so long.  And despite having all this blogging to catch up on and everything else, I was very calm. Mostly because my laptop was finally free of clutter, seriously it got ridicules. If I've learnt anything from this project it's to give things appropriate names and that includes layers within those appropriately named files. And to also keep them in one file and not just all over my desktop, with I guess is a file, but at the same time not.

Now I can focus on promotion. I'm planning on submitting this film into festivals, mostly North England ones because I've seen a lot of them floating around asking for submissions as well as a few European ones. As part of the brief I have to create some sort of pack. Which includes a break down of the project, a over view of the plot of the film, a trailer/teaser of under a minute, 4 stills from the film and an artist ID sort of thing and a poster. On top of that I want to re-visit working with the art booklet again, because my first attempt wasn't very good at all. Although I haven't attended many festivals like manchester animation festival (besides going for one panel) I did work at Thought Bubble this year and as such I was aware of the production behind advertising and documenting the artists/things happening and getting up close n' personal with the leaflets and booklets. I feel like I learnt a lot at working that one weekend, not only with socialising with creatives in my field but also promoting myself/my work.

Things I have to do

  • Poster for film, including 'tag line'
  • Teasers 
  • Self AD
  • Crit, 1000 words
  • Defining of film, 250 words
  • 4 stills from the film
I really love making 'press packs' because I honestly feel like it's preparing me for engaging with other artists through festivals. 

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