Wednesday 10 May 2017

Post-Production/// Teasers and Trailers

Previously I'd uploaded a 'teaser like' video to my Instagram without really thinking about promoting the film, but rather continuing to promote myself and my work however it did get a bit of attention and attraction towards the coming project. I also uploaded WIP videos in order to promote my youtube page, hopefully attracting new veiwers that would later come to see the finished film. I attempted to promote the film on it's own Tumblr page, but got little to no attention so maintained 'teasers' on my Instagram and Tumblr with doodles, WIPs and teasers.

Screenshot of video uploaded to my Instagram page 3 weeks ago

I gave it a shot animating a trailer sort of teaser, however my social media presence isn't very good on Youtube or Vimeo. I decided to focus on creating teasers for my Instagram and Tumblr, knowing very well short videos and animated GIFS did VERY well on those sites instead of full video clips. I also felt like I hadn't generated enough attention on Video sights for people to seek out a trailer of it first, which is what I noticed about trailers on Youtube. Big studios like Pixar or Marvel studios already have millions and millions of fans waiting on ANYTHING they bring out, so leap into a frenzy about a new trailer for anything they're making. However, I have no veiwers on these sights and there for it's best for me to promote this film on sites I already have attention on. I've already already been keeping updates on my instagram under it's own hashtag. #afoxwantstoplayguitar! It's really wonderful looking back at the updates, even if there's only 14. However those 14 have got me a lot of attention from followers, even new followers.

Here's the trailer I made anyways, it isn't finished because like I mentioned before I didn't think it was the most effective way of promoting the film. What's missing is the title and the release date - which would of been animating into the black section at the end of the video.

I know Instagram has it's videos looping, so selected a segment of the soundtrack that looped easily. I also selected shots from the film that loop well, contracting in colour yet moving together well as a whole. I also attempted to get across the rough plot of the film, the repetitiveness of the main characters current life. Here's the teaser as a video as well as a screenshot and link to it on my Instagram Page. 

Screenshot of tease on my Instagram 

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