Thursday 11 May 2017

Plans for the film/// Festivals and possible contest-like situations

From the very start of this project I've aimed to make a film that I can successfully submit to a film festival in order to promote myself as a film maker and to include that film in a showreel. Considering I finished the film on time I'm defiantly going to stick to my original plan and submit to three festivals this year. The only thing that I will need to work on is the sound design and certain voice recordings that I want to re-do, that I'm doing straight after the deadline.

Animex International Film Fest is based in York and runs from the 22nd of May to the 25th of May, which happens to be my birthday and also happens to be very close. Luckily the film is done and I'll be submitting the film in the next week, making sure I'm completely happy with it. The entry is free, which is really wonderful. York is so close to home for me, I'd love to have my work featured. Another is BFX which is based in Bournemouth, which is right down on the south coast of the UK. I'd love to take part in as many festivals I can/can afford this year and this happens to be another free entry. I'm also attracted to the festival focusing on networking with other animators which is something I really would like to do more of. The last is Manchester Animation Festival, which I attended for one panel last November. Again, this festival is free and very close to home and last time I visited the festival seemed very keen to promote and showcase young artists. 

So, to get the film in a 'perfect' condition I've made a plan. Even if this plan is past the dead line for this project, it's important to promote my film and myself as a creative in the industry. I'm planning on re-recording two characters, one being Clover (hedgehog) because of the terrible quality of her recordings. I'm also planning on animating a credit sequence, to keep in better visual aesthetic with the rest of the film. Besides that, I'm perfectly happy with the films visuals. I'm sure submitting my first 'big film' to a number of contests will be the ice-breaker I need to be more independently confident about my work. 

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