Tuesday 10 February 2015

Sound Project// Presenting Animations (CRIT)

Today I presented my animations in a crit with my class…

 Most people liked the flash element and the pulsing. They felt like it worked well with the sound however besides the pulsing at the end, the 'background' doesn't move. They mentioned it would of been nice to have something else going on too, a little bit of a jiggle or wiggle.
 With this animation people commented that they liked how simplistic the animation was, they mentioned they liked the timing and felt it worked very well with the sound. however it would of been nice to be a little bit more 'messy'.
 This animation was commented to be too uniform and that the slime that dropped off didn't stretch and get slimmer before doing so; it gained in mass. It was also mentioned it would be nice to see this 'messier' too.
My class commented little, saying most they liked the animation and felt it fitted the sound well. However my teacher mentioned that he didn't like the faces… Which I sort of cheated with, after all we were told to avoid characters. And giving lines faces sort of gives them character, after all.

Over all it was peoples favourite one.
Little was said about this animation, besides that it would of been nice to have the static moving also rather then standing still in black.

It was also mentioned with all my animations that the colours were very ' me '.

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