Thursday 12 February 2015

Applied Animation// Research - Tekkonkinkreet (2006)

Tekkonkinkreet is a japanese animated adaptation of the series of comics 'Black&White'. Since the very first time I saw the movie, back when I was studying for my GCSE art I've always loved the opening in particular. The animation focuses on the flight of a crow, over a vast decomposing city however it isn't a simple journey. The crow dips and dives, spins in the air and doing so displays the landscape beneath it to the viewer. The music also emphasise the experience of viewing the city in this way, a real rush of imagery.
I would really love to experiment with something similar, not only does this short intro introduce the two main characters but it also sets the scene well. I love how the curvature of the earth is seen from the birds eye view in the horizon, it really puts a different slant on setting the scene. This title also reminds me of the opening of 'Sweeny Todd' where the camera rushes through the streets of London. 

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