Monday 2 February 2015

Applied Animation//Thinking Of Ideas

Today we were briefed on our latest project, however before we even 'start' we have to choose between three briefs. The briefs animate either a title sequence, a 'sting' for a tv channel or a charity video… I've chosen the brief to animate a Title Sequence. I didn't want to choice the brief on a charity video because I felt I would be too confined with that brief and I didn't want to choice the 'string' for a tv channel because of the same reason…

''You have been selected to create an animated title sequence for a book to film adaptation, the crazy thing about this adaptation is that the producers would like you to choose the book and the starring actors! 

The producers have included a couple of caveats to this unusual request.....
  • The book must not have previously been adapted for film or TV
  • The title sequence must be exactly 30 seconds in length
  • You must have permission, if required, to use any selected audio ''
Now I have to select which book I'm going to focus on… 

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