Tuesday 10 February 2015

Applied Animation// Looking into Titles

Personally I think there are two types of Titles for a piece of film…

>A title to introduce the viewer into the mood/story of a movie
>A title to open each episode of a series

Each type is very similar, they both present the over all 'feel' of the film the viewer is about to watch and they both are generally presented in a style that is relevant to the storyline or theme. However where a Title sequence for a movie features introduces a storyline, a title sequence for a series does so but also introduces characters (this is the case with the marjory of examples I've stumbled across, with the exceptions of a few).

I still have yet to complete the three volumes I've bought of Swans In Space but I'm already getting the vibe to animate a title sequence as if it was an 'opening' for tv show or series. But I till have a lot of research to do, so who knows what I'll end up doing…

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