Tuesday 24 March 2015

Applied Animation// Animation Testing

For this project I'm focusing using the computer to animate, so most of the work I create will be my first time doing anything like it. I want to do as many tests as I can in the time I've got... Here is the first version of a segment I'm animating. I'm using layers in photoshop in which I manipulate in After Effects using keyframes (position, scale and opacity) to move them across the screen. This first version was just a test to later adapt, I'm using this version as more of a reference then anything. 

This next version I've cleaned up the animation by redrawing certain segments of the comparison - such as the character in the foreground. Despite this version achieving the look I want for this project (a sort of graphic look) I feel like it's still missing something. 

This final version is the version I will use for the overall animation. 

This version also contains the 'twin' section of this segment that depicts the other main character. I wanted this segment to reflect the characters not only in colour but in personality. I tried to emphasize how 'Lucy' is quite a dark mysterious character and 'Emma' is far more cheerful and innocent when it comes to situations - with the colour schemes of each character's segment. The movement within the segment is the same as version two that I tested, however I added in an 'Opacity keyframe' that slowly fades Lucy in and introduces her slowly into the viewers sights. 

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