Thursday 19 March 2015

Visual Language ///evaluation

I really enjoyed this module, I feel like the projects we've been doing have also improved my studies within animation, that I have been doing along side visual language. For instance, in a past project I was inspired to simplify my character design after being encouraged to be more 'free flow' with my drawings.   I choice 'bug' for the drawing task; I love concept art so I had no problem doing loads of drawings based on one word. I feel like my short 'comic' for a short visual narrative was successful, comments back from my fellow students saying they really liked how cute it was. For the new places drawings I really struggled, because I've really been EVERYWHERE in leeds. But luckily we had a christmas break and luckily I went down to Lincolnshire on the train so I plenty of new places to see! (mostly train stations..) I also visited a place close to my village back home, Brimham Rocks. Which is a place I've never drawn before and I'm willing to take someone to court to prove I have never drawn there. The last place I choice I did so in a rush, because it was my friends flat. I wish I used a wider range of materials on this project, but I did enjoy using markers. The sound project I really struggled with because I'm not really that obsessed with music to begin with, but in the end I was satisfied with my five animations. For the turn around, I was nervous about showing it. I felt it was too 'cartoony' and I should of drawn it hyper-realistic; but i was reassured that as long as I maintain the style within the animation it doesn't matter what 'style' it was in. The last and final project was practically life drawing, working in small groups we drew each other taking it in turns to model. I love life drawing and drawing in general so this project was a lot of fun for me! But again, looking back at the project I wished I used a wider range of materials.

Over all, Visual Language was very beneficial for my studies as a creative. Not only have I been forced to leave my comfort zone to draw backgrounds but I've also been encouraged just to draw which is something I've never been encouraged to do even back when I was studying fine art at college. I found the sound animation tricky but only because I've never ever thought about drawing sound before and the concept of it took a little while for me to grasp. Now I feel like I'd have more thought about the media I want to use in the future, rather then just automatically going for a fine liner.

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