Sunday 15 March 2015

Environmental Storytelling// Big Hero 6

I've just recently seen the latest 'big' Disney movie and I really liked it, mostly because of the diverse character design between the main cast. But I loved the backgrounds most of all, which really started to bug the person I was watching the movie with because I kept mentioning it over and over again;but hey, at least I didn't have a habit of repeating ALL of the main characters lines in a high pitched voice.

The city is called 'San Fransokyo' and much like the name merges the landscapes of San Francisco and Tokyo together into one, implying a cultural intertwining. Which is heavily a part of the landscape, where traditional Japanese cityscapes merge with western city design. The way the city comes 'alive' at night is perfect considering both of the nightlives of the two cites formed into one, both being very futuristic and at the same time very functional. In certain scenes of the movie action/drama is highly led by the surroundings, often before the incidents accrues. Foreshadowing within environments play a heavy part in this movie.

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