Sunday 15 March 2015

Environmental Storytelling// Summer War

Summer wars is a Japanese animated feature which environments heavily help to introduce the concept of the story line to the viewer.  Summer wars is about online world and how events online can sometimes transient the digital barrier and effect our day to day lives more then we would of anticipated. To achieve this the artists created a environment to represent the virtual world within the animation. The story has characters 'fighting' against a virus on the internet by using 'avatars' and to do this theses avatars fight against the virus (quite literally) in this virtual environment. 

The movie also displays a drastic visual contract between the 'action packed' virtual world. The main characters, despite having main plot points represented as Avatars interact in a very natural and environment within a traditional old Japaneses home in the country side. 

I love the colours used in this film. How at some points in the movie a scene will look very digital and in others it will look so organic and peaceful.

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