Saturday 31 January 2015

Lets Talk About// "Resonant Chamber" - Animusic

Animusic is a studio that produces short film/music videos, which visually represents music. Not in ways you might think however. Their videos consist of strange almost robotically machines that produce the music by giving the illusion the machine is creating it; as if mechanically. These machines/set ups are all animated.

This animation consists visually of multiple string instruments mashed together into a single 'machine'. I can only imagine this is animated in a sort of 3D world set up, where the animator first programs the 'models' to move in such a way then next moves the cameras view point across the 3D world they have just created. I don't think this is anything I'd like to try or would idolise in the future, but it really is entertaining to watch - seeing how the music is seemingly produced by this bizarre looking machine.

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