Thursday 8 January 2015

Eadweard Muybridge and the Zoopraxiscope

Eadweard Muybridge; An English photographer that ventured into the world of animation...
Muybridge became interested in studying 'motion' in the later years of his career and to settled a debate on wither all four of a horses hooves leave the ground when it is galloping.

His photos captured movement, both with animals and human studies. However to view such images back as 'moving images' he'd need of course to invent a device for this purpose. Later, this device would be referred to as an early movie projector of sorts.

 A Zoopraxiscope is a device used to displaying motion pictures, created in 1879. A sequence of images were printed onto glass disks and rotated at an extreme high speed and gave the impression of movement. This device later on inspired the 'Kinetodcope', which was another form of movie projector.

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