Sunday 11 January 2015

Classical Elements// Editing on after effects

Personally I find After Effects pointlessly complicated but perhaps that is primordially based on the fact I've never really used it before to stitch together an animation. True, with the last project I did use this software briefly but only for rendering purposes.

However, after reading over the brief I discovered to my horror we were told to produce an animation at a certain size, not A4 which I had been animating at. But thankfully there is a 'resizing' element to after effects which I found useless. However, It would 'crop' all 240 frames the same way. So certain frames missed out the 'focus' point of what I wanted to get across and others just looked unappealing. Using the 'positioning' element to key frames I began to shift each sequence differently, so to get the animation in roughly it's original position to what I had in mind. Thankfully I managed to get everything I felt necessary into the 'cropped frame' (phew).

I noticed shortly after (and because I had more time then expected on my hands) that I could give the illusion of 'glow' to my flame woman. That way it would be more clear to the viewer when she is put out and that she is generally a flame. I created a simple 'mask' and reversed its effects on the frames, changed the shape and size with key frames between each sequence to really give her a glow and in all found it quite easily to give that effect of 'glow' in the animation. Even if it's very slight.

Next all I needed was sound...

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