Monday 12 January 2015

Classical Elements// Final Evaulation

This project has been incredibly beneficial not only to my studies as an 'animation student', but for my opinion on the animation industry all together; not only have I become more aware of the historical element behind what we see on the screen today but I feel certain level of readability to other animators both professionals and hobbyists now.

Instead of picking one idea I morphed elements of many of my ideas into a singular thought. I love producing work with comedy and the idea of an animation with a hilarious love triangle was far too tempting to pass over. Character design was hard to begin with, automatically drawing out these characters in my sort of 'semi-realistic' style without much thought behind it. However after reflecting on how complex it was to draw my past animation (because of the complicated character design) I then simplified the characters further. I approached this brief with an understanding I wouldn't be able to have access to a computer over the holidays and would there for fall heavily behind on the schedule for completion; so from the very start decided I would animate everything by hand. Every second of footage in my animation is hand drawn, from colour to backgrounds. Despite having no other option at the start to do this in anything else besides 'traditional animation'  by my own hand I've become greatly fond of the technique. I'm a huge fan of 'handmade' to begin with, so after scanning all the frames in I absolutely loved the sketchy feel to the colouring of my animation but I must admit sometimes the colour is alit too 'jumpy'. I think if I was to develop this personal technique further I would focus on keeping a more concentrated colouring effect rather then scruffiness. Once again I found the computer element to this completion schedule very complicated, but not to the extend as my previous project. After effects was smoother then last time, partly because I named each frame correctly and partly because I learned from my mistakes from last time; I was even able to add effects to my animation with after effects, such as giving my 'flame woman' a slight glow to give the impression she was truely made of flames within her drawn environment.  I struggled with cropping my work, because I both animated and scanned my frames on an A4 sizing. But using keyframes on after effects I was able to position each 'sequence' to roughly it's original placing with I had in mind when storyboarding. For the audio I recorded 'non language sound effects' in the sound room and for sound effects in general I searched online for the MP3 files.

Personally I'd like to revisit this project regardless if I ties in with my uni work in the future; to develop the backgrounds further and possibliy improve certain elements of the animation.  But over all I am incredibilly proud of my animation ' Putting Out '.

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