Saturday 31 January 2015

Lets Talk About// Freak Kitchen - Freak of the Week

' Freak of the weak ' is a song produced by the experimental band 'Freak Kitchen and even if I don't like their taste in music I do really love this music video for the group.

Directed by Juanjo Guarnido it's clear why this animation has a so obvious 'Disney' style to it. Guarnido of course is best known for once being a Disney animator as he was the lead animator for 'sabor' in Tarzan. He is also best known for his illustration work on the comic books 'Blacksad'.

The animation in this music video is wonderful, but then again I'm a big fan of the 'modern Disney' style. Looking past the style, this video consists of a lot of interesting shots and movements, not own in characters but from the 'veiwpoint' moving around the scene. I also really love how each character is animated in a very exaggerating way when playing their instruments; it really speaks for the power being rock music and emphasises the sounds themselves to the viewer.

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