Friday 26 February 2016

Responsive// Do it in ten final animation 'DARK'

Here is the final animation I'm entering for this months theme 'Dark' for showmetheanimation's contest 'do it in ten'. I wanted to portray a personal feeling towards night time, because I'm afraid of the dark. I wanted the characters in this animation to be as vulnerable as each other, and that the comforting from the man is honest; so designed them very simplistically and nude. I also wanted to animate flame, so first animated the 'line' sequence and then returned to it and animated the flame into sequences. For the audio James Grimshaw let me use one of his pieces free of charge, so special thanks to him!

Screenshot showing the effects of opacity in layers/positing in photoshop.
To give the illustration of darkness in the animation I first created the backgrounds as if fully lit and then applied a royal blue layer over the top - then changing the opacity of that blue layer, I could then tiny all beneath layers with that shade. With the candles glow I did the same thing, but with a rounder light and then key framed the position of the light effect according to the movement of the candle.

I also managed to keep 'scenes'/'effect' files few.

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