Monday 8 February 2016

Documentary Animation// Presentation

Today my project team presented our pre-production work to our class, I was absent to the presentation. I've spoken to my class mates about how they responded to our presentation and they liked my character designs. One class mate said my designs seemed a little too childish considering the subjects talked about in the narrative but then said it balanced it out well. Apparently when presenting our tutors encouraged the animatic with sound to be played instead of the silenced version that James wanted to play because neither of us were confident with playing our interviews so soon to our class mates and tutors.

I'm struggling to attend project related events both inside university and outside (with meets up with James and Malachi). I feel uncomfortable about this project, about using something so personal and something that still effects me so much as a sort of 'entertainment'. I've spoken to the both Malachi and James briefly about the effect this project is having on me but have yet to fully voice my opinions.

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