Monday 8 February 2016

Documentary Animation// Recording the interviews

Both myself and James recorded our personal experiences with losing our fathers today and I found the whole situation very stressful. The sound booth itself is made of glass, which left me feeling extremely venerable and anxious; so I found it very hard to speak clearly/slowly to begin with - let alone with talking about something so personal.  I already knew about James experiences with losing his father because I've been friends with him for going on two years now however I really struggled talking about it openly with James in the room. We had both already written down scripts to refine what we wanted to say in the sound booth but we both found we'd written far too much to squeeze nicely into 2 minutes (1 minute each). I focused on keeping my dialogue very basic and almost 'naive' - to help push the childish approach to the situation, in the memories I was talking about.

After finishing the recording I've realised I'm less prepared to explore my memories which involve my father and talk about it openly. Although a lot is left out from the interview I'm still finding it difficult to work in an environment thats topic has me so on edge and nervous. I believe it's important for me to speak about my past with my father and that this project will help me come to terms with what happened - despite the fact it happened so long ago.

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