Monday 8 February 2016

Documentary animation// the animatic and re-recordings.

After Malachi finished the refined storyboard it was James job to then convert it into an animatic. Taking the storyboards he drew new illustrations from them and then positioned them in after effects an an animatic along side our first recorded interview. I say 'first recorded interview' because our tutors advice our group that a lot of emotion was lost in our recording compared to our script because we rushed our lines and barely paused to take a breath. Both myself and James re-recorded the narrative, this time focusing on slowing our words down and speaking more clearly. After completing the new recording James didn't adapt the animatic to suit the new narrative so visually the animatic is out of sync with the interviews.

I don't have a link to the animatic because James hasn't uploaded the video to youtube yet because he isn't confident about having the interview published for viewers yet and with the presentation coming up we cut the narrative. However, now the animatic is hard to understand without the recordings so James added my visual storyboarding script to make it easier for someone outside the project to understand.

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