Saturday 18 October 2014

Flipbooks - Animation - part2

After my first experiment with flipbooks, where I animated a simple ball bouncing across the page; I really wanted to test myself further.

However I had no inspiration for what to animate that day... Until my very good, very SICK friend sat beside me; and began to express her discomfort and ill health. So, what sort of friend would I be if I didn't take the opportunity to draw her something? To... Make her feel slightly better. I animated a colourful blue faced girl vomiting. And I must admit I've never proud of this flipbook. So much so I even added colour.

Flipbook Animation - Girls Puke

(20 frames make up this animation, I used highlighters and cheap coloured pencils and a sharpie.)

After scanning the images one by one into the computer I began editing each one; cleaning up pencil marks, mistakes and even 'attempting' to fix the black ages of the paper. We also had to resize the images and mess around with the resolutions. After that it was just a simple case of lining up the images in photoshop and creating a .Gif of the animation; By using a timeline and crafting a 'timing' for each frame.

I ended up mixing 'computer' animation with my flipbook animation. Really simply by adding a speech bubble that said 'sick'. I only really did this as an experiment to see if I could mix both traditional and computer easily together. All I had to do was draw over the image with a separate layer then merge the two together; then input them into a timeline.

Next I attempted 'computer' animation, using photoshop. I had used photoshop before to draw or doodle but never to animate; so this was completely new to me. But surprisingly I found it easy and quite fun. It was pretty much CEL animation, but using layers. Sure, I had to make each layer slightly transparent but that wasn't too hard to do.  In fact I really loved using photoshop to animate!

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