Thursday 7 April 2016

Responsive// what's the problem part 1

In todays session we discussed the positives in entering external briefs and contests outside our university. In entering contest and briefs it gives you the opportunity to advertise your work for possible future jobs/roles; even if your entry isn't successful you may still end up with some sort of reward by just putting your work out there (very much like putting your work on social media).

When approaching a brief it's important to take into consideration about every aspect of the brief, such as self scheduling your work and any additional costs, such as paying to enter. What else is to consider is whether you want your work to be associated with the bushiness or company that has put forward the brief. Do you really want your work representing a company that has quite recently got into a bit of tax trouble? No? Then don't enter. Another issue to consider is if you fully understand and are confident about entering this brief, it's important not to rush into a brief especially if you're not fully confident you understand what the brief is asking of you; and you end up producing something completely different and waisting your time.

I'm just starting to enter briefs for this modal so all this is incredibly useful as I'm slightly nervous about putting my work outside university and 'competing' with other creatives.

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