Thursday 7 April 2016

Responsive// what's the problem part 2

I've chosen the YCN 2014/15 Student competition brief  'GAP' to discuss in this blog post.

In this brief the GAP clothing company is advertising for some sort of brand campaign that reaches out to students and attracts them to the brand. Entering the brief GAP defines itself and its own company with that they are/what they want. The brief then goes on to inform the reader that GAP is kicking off it's new campaign 'dress normal' since joining together with another company, the advertising agency ' Wieden + Kennedy '. After that, it discusses what it wants from the entry; the brief wants readers to produce some sort of work to help support their latest campaign - targeted at the 'student population' - they also mention this campaign is ready to drop in freshers week 2015, in order to attract most attention from the student population. Inspiration is also provided, using it's already existing presence within high street fashion as enough inspiration for the reader; hinting to keep the entry within the realms of what GAP already produces. The brief also mentions that this entry will be used globally and to take that into consideration when producing work, despite the fact this entry will be for the UK.

The brief (like many/most briefs) also defines what is needed in the entry to be considered;

''Message must incorporate a 25% off promotion exclusive to students during fresher’s week.
Must use the Gap logo – cannot be changed or altered.
Inject Gap tone of voice – see Dress Normal campaign reference (additional tone of voice guidance can be requested by email).
You must show how a University Poster would work in the campaign.''

 At the end of the brief the reader is also informed to enter within the YCN website itself.

This brief seems to me to be a very open brief, as far as producing material briefs go.

Entries can be anything from a social media presence, to posters and illustrations all the way to a film/animation. GAP is really just asking for some sort of chunk of material for its campaign to give 'Dress Normal' some heart and a sense of presence. This brief seems like a very good opportunity to get your work out there, especially as an animator/film maker or illustrator. Your drawings/animations would join together with an existing huge company, that would most likely used your work to their full advantage. Things to consider would only be timing, scheduling work loads and perhaps external costs of entry (such as material costs/entry fees) which to be honest, are routine things to consider with every brief. 

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