Wednesday 13 April 2016

Responsive// Summative evaluation

For this module titled 'Responsive' I was tasked with applying to multiple briefs outside of university both as an individual and within a collaborative group. The aim of this module was to encourage me to put my work out into the publics eye in order to engage with the external world of following instructions within job briefs. In order to do this I applied a number of competition briefs; Loop De Loops 'Sisters' brief, Do It In Tens 'Dark' brief, OnForm weekly 'Shape' briefs, a single entry into Illustration Friday and for the collaborative brief D&ADs 'Amnesty' brief.

For Studio Brief 1 titled 'individual practise' I was expected to engage with a number of briefs by submitted personal entires responding to those set briefs. I entered 4 separate briefs, one of which involved submitting three separate pieces of work. All 4 briefs were completed within Photoshop and it's softwares timeline feature; which is an aspect of its software I'm very at home with now and feel like I have greatly improved my skills within the software. My entry for Loop De Loop's 2015 brief 'Sisters' I feel is my most successful submission within this studio brief, as I've gained the most attention from submitting this entry as an artist and am most proud of it's final outcome. I also feel I've experimented differently then I have previously done within my work within Do It In Tens 2016 brief 'Dark'. Within this submission I responded to the briefs word with my own understanding of what that word meant to me and represented for me personally. This submission is also the first segment of frame by frame animation I've animated in 24 Frames Per Second, which is something I'm keen to continue using in the future as the results of this submissions animation is far more fluid then 12 Frames Per Second; I'm also pleased with the character animation within this submission. Although I found the OnForm briefs engaging and entertaining I felt the manner in which the website page was managed wasn't very professional however I did gain some online attention as an artist from my submissions to this page, within Tumblr where the webpage was held.  

For Studio Brief 2 titled 'collaborative practise' I was expected to engage with a single brief of either from the contest holders D&AD or YCN with other students from my year within Illustration and Graphic Design. We were introduced to the whole year groups of Animation, Illustration and Graphic Design within a presentation format designed by our tutor so we could be made aware of the creative students we may end up working with around us; which was very beneficial. I choice D&AD's brief for 'Amnesty' because of the political and social standing the group campaigns for that I personally believe is incredibly important and needs to be addressed more especially to people my own age and younger. I entered a collaboration group with Emily from illustration and Poppy from graphic design. Both myself and Emily developed our submission from idea, concept, design to final product without Poppys influence as we couldn't contact her or get contact from her after our first meeting where our group formed. Within this collaboration group both myself and Emily developed our idea to create animated posters for social media, where Emily would design and draw illustrations and I would then animate those illustrations into GIFs. I animated our four moving GIF posters within Photoshop at 12FPS, as I didn't want the end files to be too big and there for avoid any higher frame count. I feel like our four images, both as illustrations and moving posters respond to the brief set by Amnesty well; as they engage with young people, are eye catching and informative but without being too intimidating, which may be a common response to Amnesty considering the subjects the group deal with. Although I would of loved to have animated a full animated feature, I'm still pleased with our end submission and really enjoyed working a response to this brief with Emily.

Over all I've deeply benefited from this module as its taught me how to analysis briefs and respond to them accordingly as an animator and creative. I've gained a wider following on social media, by submitting my work to the contest briefs listed above as well as gained experience from digital software from working within Photoshop.

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