Wednesday 6 January 2016

Documentary Animation// Research

As part of the briefing my tutors screened a few examples of animated documentary as a sort of inspirational taster to kick off our start for the project. Below is a link to one of the animations I was shown which has been partially inspirational to the idea my group has for our animated documentary.

This animation documents interviews with people based on their different experiences when losing their virginities. The animation style differs between interviews, reflecting on the vibe of the individual stories from the interviewees; for instance the first interview (which is far more playful) is visually represented by a far more quirkier style then the second (which involves sexual assault). The difference in style reflects the interviewees experiences - which is something my group and I have agreed to also use in our own animation. I particularly like how one of the interviewees is rotoscoped very simply and cleanly - to being across the naivety of the interviewees story.

Both James and I lost our fathers in different ways, both emotionally and physically and being a close friend of his I'm aware of the background of how he lost his father as he's aware of my own experience. Without the interview yet we're already aware visually our stories will have to be represented differently because of the different between vibes coming off from our experiences.

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