Tuesday 5 January 2016

Documentary Animation// Idea Generation

Today my group and I discussed how we could develop our idea further;
After writing up basic questions to interview James we then moved onto the question of who was our audience for this documentary. Our audience was unclear, in fact we had no idea. However we settled on the idea for this animated documentary that it would be aimed at children who are dealing with the loss/lack of a parent. For this idea to be reached my group asked me if I would be willing to talk about my own father and what it was like to grow up without a father figure. Both me and James have grown up without our dads for different reasons, but the same basic events followed. 

My group thought a rough outline for the interview for us both would be best, keeping it to one minute each between myself and James. James is someone I consider a close friend and I'm aware of the details of his father as he is of mine; so we're both aware that our stories will heavily contrast each other.

Myself and Malachi are animating 2D and we spoke today about worries involving developing a style that both of us would reliably animate to. After the idea of both mine and James stories being told, we thought of the idea of having two separate styles to visually represent the different events within both mine and James stories about our fathers. With animation we've decided to encorparate 3D modelling perhaps in some shape or form within the mix media element of the animation, which James will model then composit in post-production.

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