Saturday 30 January 2016

Documentary animation// More work assigned

My director for this project (James Beardsell) choice my character designs over Malachis character designs; because he didn't feel like Malachis designs were appropriate for the project. I thought that Malachis character designs lacked emotion and look far too simplistic and 'robotic' considering the narrative represented by this involved such an personal subject as losing a parent. I also pointed out considering we agreed to focus on the characters looking naive and childish; as a way to represent looking back at a memory from our childhoods, Malachis style had moved too far away from our initial ideals for visuals. I agreed to start working on character concept but then I was tasked with final character designs. Originally I was tasked with developing environmental designs and basic thumb nails to then be used when storyboarding, however I've taken on a lot more work since then by developing concept work, thumb nails, colour pallets, character designs and final design boards.

So far I've developed our characters from concept to final boards, defined a rough verbal storyboard script and recorded my part of the narrative. James Beardsell has begun working on the animatic from Malachis storyboard and has yet to produce an animation test involving the key frame positioning tool in after effects. Malachi is working on fonts for the final animation as well as background design. I don't plan to work on much else concerning the character designing since they've been cleared but I will be developing a few more concept pieces in different medias so I can get a real feel for the characters.

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