Wednesday 13 January 2016

Documentary Animation// Research

Above is a youtube version of an animated documentary by Julia Pott, which documents the 'first crush' experiences from multiple interviews that she then interprets visually as different animals. I first saw this animation back in 2008 and when being briefed on this project; it was one of the first documentary animations I thought of looking back at for inspiration. Considering with our own project we're planning to interview both me and James about our personal experiences with our fathers - much like is documented in this animated film - this piece I feel is quite relevant to the development of the project.

After looking over this animated piece I mentioned to my group if we were sure about going with a more 'humanoid' look as far as character design was concerned. We'd semi-'jumped the gun' at designing, instantly talking about representing me and James as simply as we could in the animated project. After talking briefly with my group and suggesting we could draw up rough ideas of animals to represent our narrative in the project as well as humanoid ones...

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