Tuesday 5 January 2016

Documentary Animation// Research

Below is a link to an animation which was one of those introduced to us at the briefing of this project as a sort of taster of what can be done within the field of 'documentary animation'.  The animation circulates about a short interview with someone talking about their grandfather and how he passed away. Such a theme is very similar to what my group and I want to achieve within our own project, so this documentary animation is very influencal to our own work.

The visual aesthetic to this piece is very basic and the motion is simplistic; the segment with the car being very effective for example despite the slight motion. I really like the strong lines to define the characters and environments as well as use of colour against the textured background. I also find it interesting how the visuals do nothing more than visualise what the narrator is saying, which is honestly all we need for this project considering its cented around visualising a story.

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