Monday 28 September 2015

Telling Tales// Think of an idea, THINK!

Brain storming with Jemma yesterday resulted in very promising options for our animation; we first pointed out the title options given to us in the project briefing that captured our attention the most, discussing the possibilities of using each in our project together.  The result of sifting through the titles resulted in singling out three that we both really wanted to work with, those three were 'Last Chance' 'Message' and 'Adrift'.

Below are scans of the ideas that popped into my head whilst discussing the options with my work partner...

Right now we are both leaning towards using 'Adrift' as our stories title. We're currently viewing the term 'Adrift' in relative to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Rather then something more comical we've spoken briefly about approaching something more emotional, perhaps even visually representing the sensation inside someones head who suffers with mental health disorders. We'll continue to develop other ideas along side the vague 'adrift' idea we have; jumping straight on the first idea you have isn't always the best way to work, it's far better to expand all the options before throwing yourself head first into a project.

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