Tuesday 29 September 2015

Telling Tales// Developing ideas

Below are very rough drafts of possible storylines for this project, inspired by the conversation with my work partner yesterday and the brain storm we produced;

'The Message'
-A note passed in the classroom that turns out to be comically misleading, for exsample someone receiving a note from their crush and hoping its a confession of love. When in reality their crush is simply asking them for a pen
-A simple message being misunderstood between two friends, that ends in slap stick comedy. 
-A reacurring annoying email or pop up pushing someone to their sanitys breaking point.

'Last Chance'
-A character panics as they approach the front of a queue, because the opportunity to pick up a Chocolate bar before paying is getting smaller and smaller; but the character cannot make up their mind.
-The last opportunity to confess something arises for a character, but they miss it; because the other character confesses it first. 
- At a vending mashine two friends put all of their faith in the last coin they posses to finally knock their packet of chips down after failing time and time again.

-A cast away floats across the oceon after a shipwreck, some form of sea creature helps the cast away to shore. 
-A character detaches from reality and is unable to call out to their friend; but their friend reaches out instead and reassures them they're here for them

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