Wednesday 21 October 2015

Telling Tales// Character Development, First Draft

This week I've been focusing developing possible characters for the Maya animation. Below are scans from my sketchbook containing the images I was inspired to produce from my research into character design and shape. 

Next, I moved onto character development. Originally I wanted to select one drawing from my sketchbook of a character and begin to develop them further, however I really loved these two character in particular; so in the end, I settled on blending the two designs together to form an all new original character. Below are the scans from my sketchbook of the rough development of this character.

Tonight using the rough drawings of the character I translated the design into digital form to really get an idea of how the character would look digitally. I'm really pleased with the characters design, but not 100% satisfied with the colour scheme. I'll continue working on this character as the project progresses further...

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